Howdy, I'm Manik Taneja

A passionate problem solver with a strong background in Software Development, and Data Science.

My Interest in this class

Pursuing Master of Science in Computer Science from Texas A&M University.

Coming from a software development background having interned at Walmart Global Tech (Walmart) in the Summer 2022 I learned a few things regarding the interactions of customers with the different software available both for the public and for the personal use of the employees. Even in the day to day interactions with the peers and colleagues different medium of communications were used. I feel there is a direct correlation between the media being used to communicate something essential or to provide a plot for the storyline and the interactions.

Focusing on the technology part some people miss out on what needs to be incorporated apart from the code. I firmly believe that there are important psychological and social aspects that should be covered and the code behind the software should have an additional layer of meaning to it without which its just scribbled syntax. This class has an essential value that is deeper than the understanding of how recursion works and how do we build frameworks.

Having taken Computer Supported Collaborative Work class the previous semester I understand that there is always more to the computer science domain that is usually not seen from the outside but is strongly focused on during the building process. I had a change in perspective after the previous semester and I am here again in this semester to have a different viewpoint on media and how does it impact the world we live in today. I'd love to add to my knowledge of Software Development and implement the untold aspects during my employment.

Different Media I use


To have a narrative

  • Books are a beautiful way to communicate the thoughts of the writer be it fiction or non-fiction.
  • I prefer to read mythological/mystery books, I know that is an extreme thing to do.
  • Books I've read:

  • Angels and Demons
  • Inferno
  • Shiva Trilogy

  • Thriller
  • The Da Vinci Code
  • The Last Man
quiz app
Social Media

Social Media Applications for conversations and advertisements.

  • These applications provide an easy to use UI for sharing, direct messaging and interacting with the world.
  • Applications like Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Twitter, Snapchat are all part of the collaborative culture but each has a unique feature that separates it from the rest.
  • Stackoverflow although unknown to those outside the domain of computer science is a prime example for interacting while sharing ideas. It is the go-to application being a software developer myself since it provides different ideas while solving a problem or discussing. It is the prime example of media in these times. Anything that needs a broader audience is directed on social media.
  • This category includes both professional and casual interaction applications.

  • Social Media I use regularly
  • Instagram
  • Whatsapp
  • Telegram
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Professional Social Media

Professional Social Media Applications for communications and collaborations.

  • These applications are responsible for connecting professionals across different domains and communicating either for help or promotions.
  • These applications are to enable easier communication between different domains and thereby utilises the shared aspect of each domain to interest their users.
  • Updating career achievements on LinkedIn is becoming important these days because a lot of companies focus on understanding the background of the candidate and thereby helps indirect communication between a candidate's past glory to the requirements of an organization.

  • Professional Social Media I use regularly
  • LinkedIn
  • Glassdoor
quiz app
Gaming and Leisure

Applications that are used for communication, sharing content, and collaborations betwen users.

  • These applications are responsible for connecting content creators with a larger audience.
  • In hindsight these applications are a part of the collaborative culture where different users interact with the content and create multiple perspectives which then can be understood/misinterepreted by the world.
  • I tend to use these applications for communication/understanding the trends in the world which makes me feel that I am being communicated ideas without being in direct communication with the originator.
  • I prefer to listen to songs in general be it on youtube or on spotify.

  • Documentaries
  • Bad Boy Billionaires
  • The Tinder Swindler
  • The last dance
  • Take the ball, pass the ball

  • Thriller Movies
  • Knives Out and Knives Out: Glass Onion
  • Murder Mystery
  • Death on the Nile
  • Now you see me

  • Action Movies
  • Mission Impossible (Series)
  • 6 underground
  • Deadpool
  • The Dark Knight Rises

Common Themes and Ideas